Show you voted AND have mad soldering skills with this blinky kit!
This is a parts kit that when soldered together, makes either an "I Voted" or "Yo Voté" badge that you can "pin" to your clothes with the two enclosed magnets. And a battery IS included! It has 2 switches - an ON/OFF and a BLINKING/SOLID. So if you're sensitive to flashing lights, you can still wear it proudly in solid mode.
Want a badge that's already soldered? Check out our I Voted Blinky Badge - Pre-assembled!
I thought we all needed something to make voting a little more fun this year, and to encourage everyone who can, to VOTE! Voting is a privilege that not all US citizens have - there are millions living in US territories who are prevented from voting, and more who are currently living abroad and due to COVID, won't receive or return their ballots in time. Everyone who can, must vote!
Unpack Your Kit

Solder Resistors
Start with 47k ohm resistors then 100 ohm and finally 499 ohm

Solder Battery Holder

Solder Transistors & Capacitors

Solder LEDs

Solder Switches

Place Battery

Place Magnet or Adhesive pin (optional)
If you'd like to wear your badge, you can use the ahdesive back pin provided in your kit. Remove the strip covering the adhesive and firmly press to the battery holder. You can then pin the badge to your shirt or hat.

What the Switches do