These sets of credit-card-sized gauges are perfect for quickly checking your gauge. Did you put that sweater down for several months, pick it back up again, and find that your stitches aren't quite the same? Are you stress-knitting and worried that your stitches might come out a little tighter? Pick up a set of these and throw them in with your project! Even though it's a 2 inch square, the columns show you the marked gauge over 4 inches, so you don't even have to count.
Using this with white yarn and having trouble seeing the columns? There's a trick! Just shine a light on the edge of the card and the lines will light up.
Card Gauges come in 2 sets, or get both for the full range!
- Large Stitches Set of 5 Cards: 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 sts over 4 inches
- Small Stitches Set of 5 Cards: 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 sts over 4 inches
- Both Sets: all of the above